Tetherball is a competitive yard game that can be enjoyed by two players.

Get the ball and tether wrapped around the pole in your direction to win this game!

Find the video tutorial and written explanation for how to play Tetherball below.

Tetherball Tutorial


Two players; Tetherball game set


The tetherball game is setup and each player selects a side of the pole to stand on. When playing, players must stay on their half of the playing area.

Tetherball Setup.png


The object of the game is to get the ball and tether to fully wrap around the pole in your direction. During game play, one player will be hitting the ball clockwise and the other player will be hitting the ball counter-clockwise.

Game Play

The game begins with a serve. To serve, the player will hit the ball in their direction. The opposing player will then try to hit the ball back in the other direction.

If a player misses a hit, the opposing player can hit the ball again when it wraps back around to their side. Players continue to hit the ball back and forth trying to overtake their opponent.


Once a player gets the ball and tether fully wrapped around the pole, they win the game!


A violation occurs for the following actions;

  • A player catches or palms the ball when trying to make a hit.

  • Crosses onto the opponent's side of the playing area,

  • Makes a double hit without letting the ball wrap around the pole.

  • Uses something other than hands or arms to hit the ball.

When a violation occurs, the ball position is returned to the position it was in before the violation and the other player will serve to resume play.

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