Nine Men’s Morris is a strategic board game that is played with two players.

Capture your opponent’s markers to win the game!

Find the video tutorial and written explanation for how to play nine men’s morris below.

Nine Men’s Morris Tutorial


Two Players; Nine Men's Morris board; Nine markers per player


Each player starts with nine markers. Markers will be placed on the board on intersections. There are 24 intersections on the board indicated by the circles. White will start by placing one of their markers.


The object of the game is to capture your opponent's markers. When a player gets three of their marker in a horizontal or vertical row, they get to capture one of their opponent's markers.

Any marker can be removed as long as it is not in a row of three. A captured marker is removed from the board and is out of play.

Game Play

The game starts with white placing the first marker. Players then take turns placing markers with the goal of trying to get three in a row or preventing their opponent from getting three in a row. When a player gets three in a row, they will choose one opponent marker to be removed from the board.

Once all the markers have been placed, players will take turns moving one of their markers. A marker can move to one adjacent space. Again, players are trying to get three in a row.

When a player is down to three markers left on the board, jump moves can be made. This means the player with three chips can move one of their markers to any space on the board, not just to an adjacent space.


When a player is down to two markers, the game is over.


If a player only has markers in a row, and their opponent has made three in a row, the opponent can remove a marker from a row of three since there are no other options.