Crag is a fun dice game for two or more players. Be the player to score the most points through different dice combinations to win this game!

Find the video tutorial and written explanation for how to play Crag below.

Crag Tutorial


Three dice; Scoresheet


The object of the game is to score the most points. Players will take turns rolling the dice and will score points for different dice combinations.

Game Play

A turn consists of up to two dice rolls. After the first roll, the player will decide which dice to keep, if any, and will roll the dice not kept. After the second roll, the player must choose a box to score on the scoresheet.


A player will score the total value of the specific numbers when going for boxes one through six. For example, a player that rolled two 2s could score four points for the 2s (2x2=4). Or, if a player only rolled one 3, could score three points for the 3s (3x1=3).

Other Dice Combination:

Odd Run: 1-3-5 (20 points)

Even Run: 2-4-6 (20 points)

Low Run: 1-2-3 (20 points)

High Run: 4-5-6 (20 points)

3-of-a-kind: three dice with the same value, for example 4-4-4 (25 points)

Thirteen: any three dice combination that adds up to 13, for example 6-5-2 (26 points)

Crag: dice combination that adds up to thirteen and includes a pair, for example 5-5-3 (50 points)


At the end of the game, all the scores will be tallied. The player with the highest score wins the game!


A player may have to, or choose to, take a zero for a box on their scoresheet during game play.